The Tamil Nadu Science Forum has launched an awareness programme to encourage people to enroll their children in government and Corporation Schools.
For most parents looking to enroll their children in schools, the automatic choice seems to be private institutions. In order to change this perception, the Tamil Nadu Science Forum has launched an awareness programme to encourage people to enroll their children in government and Corporation Schools.
“Only through government and Corporation schools is it possible to ensure that education is actually inclusive and the Right to Education Act is followed properly,” State office-bearer of TNSF Udhayan said. The drive started on Sunday with eminent speakers including educationist and former vice-chancellor of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, V. Vasanthi Devi speaking on the need for a stronger public education system.
If more people start studying in government and Corporation schools, there will be pressure on the government to provide the necessary infrastructure. The aim of this programme is to encourage people to enrol in public schools and at the same time, encourage the government to improve infrastructure, a TNSF source said.
A series of cultural events will be held from August 15 to September 5 in Tiruchi, Kanyakumari, Coimbatore and Nagapattinam, he added.
thanks: The Hindu, June,2,2014
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